Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Shifting to something better, PART I

PART I:  Shifting to something better....                      10.30.13

My passion is to guide you to live well by supporting  wellness daily which balances the 4 parts of Health (see blog post on this topic for details).  Shifting a person’s paradigm of what is Healthy requires the TRUTH to be accepted and practiced by what is healthy....the answers are out there, but most likely NOT what you currently believe on a whole (your paradigm).  Bits & pieces of healthy action is just that, only a small part.  Thriving in life, well it moves the game onto a new playing field because when a person’s health is OPTIMAL, life is no longer the same........Do you believe you have the power to NEVER get sick again?  Everything starts with a belief on what we think is TRUE.......
As I continue to channel health & wellness content to all those interested, a shift from my approach in being applied.  Since uncovering new information always and when applying it the results have been very supportive.  The shift is in the direction of training yourself to live within your abilities and capabilities, just remember, no matter who you are, attitude is everything!!!  I look at everyday as we are training for life, are you practicing quality sleep, eating nutrition dense meals daily, moving that body optimally each day with in the 5 components of health related fitness?  Life is practice, each day is another opportunity to do what we want with our individual choices.  Thriving takes years of practice, each action is a drop in the bucket, always be striving to add just one simple drop as that is the key to making a difference in your dynamic HEALTH. 

The mission for me is to be the best daddy & HUMAN I can by choosing to share my life experience with others to learn from as well.  This BLOG is one medium to which I communicate.    This experience just so happens to be a way of life that supports being a thriving human.  I still will be blogging/vlogging (Wellness Hero's YouTube Channel Link) about health & wellness, but more so directed to ANY HEALTH concept.   Some information may seem new or confusing to incorporate, but the more quality experiences gained with family, not to just spend time, but to teach basic fundamental principles of exercise, nutrition, and basically WELLNESS into day to day occurrences is a shift into the priority that health is something we have to do.  Some concepts y’all maybe familiar with like in the previous sentence (exercising & eating), but some maybe things that you never considered to be healthy or unhealthy.

ASK ME Questions Publicly or Privately, but know others maybe to timid or feel they don’t have the time to actually ask.  Be the change you want to be by taking ACTION & Participating in your life in a way you didn’t yesterday.  You have the POWER in choice, just do something new for 5 min. and know those 5 min. were 5 more then the previous 5 days and that is a monumental change because 5 is way bigger then ZERO....

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