Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Who’s going to Anarchapulco for some Libertarian, Anarchy awesomeness?

Its the 5th Annual Anarchapulco Summit that comprises many topics/focuses to support humans thriving on this planet!!! Right now it cost $545 for one ticket from Anarchapulco. The reason for this post, is I have two cheaper tickets for sale, through official authorized transfer methods. Simply put, if you want to save, I only have two tickets left @ $100 off and I am accepting crypto or paypal

To get the official tickets transferred into your name; Contact WellnessHero@gmail.com , I go by B.W. and am selling two tickets to Anarchapulco for $100 off. The deadline is less then 11 days before all transfer of tickets is closed.

 I hope we can help each other? Gratitude for sharing this post to spread the word about getting a discount ticket for Anarchapulco in Acapulco Mexico in February 2019

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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Discounted tickets for Anarchapulco 2020

I have two extra tickets that can be directly transferred (through conference approval owner swap) from me to you at a discounted price. Currently, the cost of a ticket is over $440 and I am willing to sell each ticket for $50 off this price. I am Only holding two for 2020 Anarchapulco EVOLVE Feb. 13th-16th 2020.

Are you interested in going? Help me, help you. You save and I don’t eat the cost of my friends backing out of the BEST Conference of the year! Accepting PayPal for this transaction.

Email wellnesshero@gmail.com to get this easy transaction started.

Here is a link to the conference website: Anarchapulco ~ EVOLVE .....Link

Tickets are valid for whole the conference, just like buying from them, yet discounted by me. Tickets will be transferred into your name upon receipt of payment. A digital image of the ticket number and barcode will be emailed to you after payment and pick up of the ticket will happen at the venue. All physical tickets are issued there by Anarchopolco and official transfers like this are the only way at this point in time for getting a discounted ticket.