Thursday, February 28, 2013

A first for everything....

Trying something brand new, here is an intro onto a new path that I am creating for those around me.  I am a Wellness Hero and if that is of interests to you, your can Be A Wellness Hero too!

Friday, February 15, 2013

BURN MAX Calories!!!

High metabolism = Healthy Body Weight

What if I told you a secret that could allow you to BURN MORE THAN 2X the amount of CALORIES in 1/2 the amount of TIME? 

The last several post to this blog have been dedicated to increasing education around the body’s metabolism and lifestyle choices that can increase its output in the form of expended energy called burning calories.  If you haven’t seen the last few posts, check them out, it is ideal to read them in order to progress to this one.

Here is an example of two separate style workouts conducted in the SAME AMOUNT of TIME.

The key here is what drastically differs in the way the bodies metabolism responds to the multiple components of fitness being used DURING THE SAME WORKOUT and not segregated into different days.  Plus, when strength training is added in combo with others (Cardio & Muscular Endurance) the metabolism is firing @ a much higher level for HOURS POST WORKOUT that does not take place on the same level with cardio only. 

Metabolism can be rated on a scale from 5 deep sleep to a MAX of 100 for hours of vigorous physical activity.

Intensity of Metabolism Scale:    5 - 100

Exercise:                                                   Stationary Bike, Treadmill, or Elliptical
Component of Fitness:                             Cardio ONLY
Time:                                                        45 min.
Intensity of Metabolism:                          Moderate - 40
Potential Calories During Exercise:         250
Potential Calories POST Exercise:          125
Potential Calories TOTAL:                      375

Exercise:                                                 Combination body weight movements
Component of Fitness:                           Muscular Strength & Endurance, Cardio
Time:                                                      45 min. (15 min. of each component)
Intensity of Metabolism:                        High - 80
Potential Calories During Exercise:        500
Potential Calories POST Exercise           300
Potential Calories TOTAL:                      800

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Burn More Calories, start here....

Change isn’t easy.....               Our Daily Habits & Choices                   2.12.13

Humans are creatures of habit.  Both good & bad habits rule our day to day lives as we make choices about everything.  Thousands of decisions are made by the time we even step out of the house in the AM.  What does all this mean?  A person is in more control of their happiness then previously thought.   Not just happiness, but how your body processes energy through metabolic function. 

Personal responsibility is over looked in the pursuit of daily life, what most consider minor details or insignificant choices are truly important small parts that make up the greater whole for our METABOLISM.  People who don’t even give any thought to is the simple decisions we make every moment, like choosing to smile from ear to ear at any moment.  Or take stairs vs elevator, the list goes on to our options we have to MOVE and EAT.   Yet they are the same people who are complaining having a slow metabolism have NO ONE to blame, but THEMSELVES.  Be ok with your choices, but understand that every choice has an outcome.  Take the black and white perspective with your decisions, either it WILL help or hurt, speed up or slow down your metabolism. 

The view I look through is simply this, my happiness is where I am?  Basically, I choose to be sitting here in front of this computer typing, so it was my choice to sit here.   Sitting slows my Metabolism, so I know I can’t sit too long.  

This practice is easier said then done, I have placed much intention behind my metabolism.  I use to believe I had a SLOW Metabolism, but after gaining more EDUCATION, I now realize I WAS EATING WAY TOO MUCH Calories for how ACTIVE I was.    Ironically, I love being physically active now & honing my 4 parts of health to thrive with a high quality of day to day life guide my choices. 

What is their to do for the average person who is out of practice for good personal decisions?  It all starts with one change, just one, start eating once more a day or start moving more today then you did yesterday and create that pattern/routine. 

Also supporting to change is to specifically find out what you want to change, write it down, find support, and make it happen.  Goal Setting.  Remember everything can be changed from the way we walk to the way we think, the power is all in the daily choices we make.....

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The EASY WAY to move that body and ingnite that metabolism!

Metabolism and Physical Activity, I can do what to increase my metabolism?!!!

Every time a person moves their body they increase the output or burning of calories for energy which is a result of the metabolic rate of the metabolism.   Not to get to complicated, but the energy systems of the body label aerobic and anaerobic.  The use of oxygen output are a results of different types of physical activity and the body will use either Carbs or Fat as energy sources to support metabolic output. 

The way a person exercises will fall into 1 of 3 categories to either maintain or improve a part of the body/function.

 MUSCLES         2.  JOINTS          3.  HEART/LUNGS (Cardio)

Our Components of Health-Related Fitness create sub categories to apply exercise training principles.

Muscles are worked on by practicing muscular strength and endurance exercises

Joints are worked on by practicing flexibility through stretching exercises

Heart/Lungs are worked on by practicing aerobic activity such as walk/run/bike/swim.

What does all this mean?  Well, it is simple to place any type of exercise into one of the components of health related fitness becomes health enhancing.  If a person would like to tone the body (which is increasing muscle and decreasing fat), then they would be told by a personal trainer to work on Muscular Strength and Endurance, with Cardio and some flexibility too.  All the things a person should be doing anyway to maintain their health. 

Every exercise a person can do will help increase their metabolism, but sequencing exercises to fall into an specific intensity level and order can change everything.  I will post in my last two blogs some specific ways to exercise to fire up your furnace we call a metabolism that will be burning calories for hours post workout and allow the fat burning process to be moving exponentially faster then you could have ever imagined, but only if you apply it....

Quesions about METABOLISM Posts with Answers.

Q & A on Metabolism.


1.   What are the best food to eat to increase my metabolism?

Answer: Vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans are excellent sources of nutrients that help support a healthy METABOLISM.  Foods that provide little nutrition value like fast food, will increase when eating, but during the digestion process release chemicals and compounds that ultimately do more damage then good. 

 2.  Can eating before bed effect my metabolism in a positive or negative way?

Answer:  The rule of thumb with eating before sleeping is really a personal thing, but from a physiology stand point try not to consume food within 2 hours of resting, as a majority of the food consumed will be directly stored as fat by the body.

3.   Does a person’s metabolism slow down as they get older?

Answer:  Yes, as people age the metabolism is slowing down after peaking sometime in our twenties, BUT with a balanced healthy diet with several feedings throughout the day and diverse physical activity a person can maintain and/or improve their Metabolism over the course of a lifetime. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Metabolism and Eating go hand in hand.

The metabolism goes through peaks and valleys, high points and low points throughout the course of 24 hours.  It is our energy and the foundation for how we feel.  When a person wakes up in the AM after sleeping the recommended 7-10 hrs for adults, their metabolism is at the very low end of the spectrum.  So, how to increase it to have energy in the AM?  Simple, put food in the body, because food is calories and calories are energy. This is why breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it jump starts your metabolism.

No longer will I reference eating a meal, bur refer to eating by saying  the word “feeding.”  Ideally, an adult should have 5-7 feedings a day.  A traditional example of 5 would be, breakfast-snack-lunch-snack-dinner to cumulatively make up 5 feedings for that day.  The thing is if a person is only eating 2 times a day they are INTENTIONALLY LOWERING their METABOLISM through habit.  The idea is to take our daily calories and spread them out then put them into the body during massive feeding times.  A good strategy for a person eating 2 times a day is to not eat more, but spread out all that food over more feeding times.  
Every time food is put into the body, the metabolism increase, so more frequent “feedings” will consistently train your body metabolism to work in a more cyclic pattern.  In order to lose weight a person MUST EAT many small feedings throughout the day and this action in itself will increase a person’s metabolism.

Now, if you are not eating several feedings throughout the day or always skip breakfast the idea is to make a small change.  If not hungry in the AM, then start with eating just a bit of something healthy and slowly increase that desire to be hungry over time.  It takes many months for the body to change habits depending how long we have been doing the opposite.  So by adding one cheerio a day from week to week with adding a couple more each time, soon enough you will be ready to have a bowl of cereal in the AM. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

How to lose weight.

Metabolism and how to control it.

Burning calories is accomplished by the conversion of energy into work.  For instance
if a person was to lay in bed all day with zero movement or physical activity, just for brain, heart, lungs and liver function to work a person has a base line basal metabolic rate (BMR).  BMR is how many calories a person burns at rest to stay alive.  The idea is the more a person moves the more they will increase energy output in the form of burning calories.  Burning more calories through metabolism of food put into the body by eating is how a caloric deficiency is created.  Create a caloric deficiency of 3,500 calories and that will equal 1lb of FAT LOSS.

Example:  Negative 500 calories a day over the course of 7 days (1 week) will equal 3,500 calories burned.  It breaks down that if a person is measuring what they eat with a food log/journal and is calculating calories burned during physical activity (PA) and exercise with figuring out their BMR then the example is as follows:

Calories Eaten:  2,000 for the day
               BMR:   1,800 calories burned for basic body function    
    PA/Exercise:   700 calories burned from movement

What is the best way to increase your metabolism for both BMR and Exercise?  Well, before we get to that I want to lay out a few foundation principles to understand first.  This blog for the month of Feb. will have a several posts on the topic of metabolism because because it is the basis for how a person feels and truly a person CONTROLS it with every choice throughout the course of a day (yep, 24 hours).  I will be identifying basic concepts of eating and moving that can FIRE UP YOUR METABOLISM TO BURN AT HIGHT LEVELS THEN EVER BEFORE.

If you think you might have a slow metabolism, stay tuned till tomorrow.  Over the course of the next week I will present an option to not only understand more about HOW TO INCREASE YOUR BMR, but impact your metabolism in very positive ways.

Why is your metabolism important?  Its your energy for the day....

Monday, February 4, 2013

H20 and the BODY.

Water Matters.....                                        2.4.13

The main reason I am writing this blog is to put out quality info on various topics that relate to a human's health, basically covering the four parts of WELLNESS (Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Social).  The focus today is to touch on the physical side, which is the part that most people easily associate with health. 
When is the last time you checked your Hydration?  Do you know the easy way to see if you are adequately hydrated is to look at your pee?  Its simple PEE Clear or lemonade color is great, while yellowish or apple juice means dehydration is taking place.  The darker the color and/or less frequent urination are symptoms of dehydration as well.   
 WATER is the basis for every bodily function, from respiration to digestion; a person’s energy levels through metabolism are regulated to your bodies ability to store water in its muscles, organs, & blood.  No matter what your fitness goal could be, everything rests on the simple condition of drinking more water and/or being mindful of the other habits in our lives that remove water from our system. 
Stimulants and diuretics are major players in removing water from the body.  Medications recommend you drink a glass of water with them because they suck the H2O out of the body as well. 
So how much water should you drink?  Every person is going to be unique, so many variables such as age, gender, physical condition, diet, type of job and physical activity during the day....the list can go on and on, so the idea of 8 - 8 oz glass of WATER a day is truly bogus.  The recommended healthy levels of hydration are 50-65% (measured in the muscles) with 70% & above being optimal. 
Being adequately hydrated is an amazing first step to practicing daily healthy habits to build a foundation for a healthy lifestyle!! 

Up coming blog TOPICS!!!

Blog Outline for February 2013 by Wellness enhancing by PROPER Health Education.

1.  Water - How much should a person drink?
2.  Metabolism - How to control and increase your Calories burned.
3.  Sleep - The role it plays and how it is healthy.
4.  Veggies & Fruit - Just Do it!
5.  Food Labels & GMO - Look out and READ what?!
6.  Whole Grains - Its the COMPLEX CARBS that are healthy!

Feel free to shoot me an email with any questions that might arise during your day, the idea is to practice wellness daily.  Your health and wellness is your choice, so choose wisely and of course, SMILE :~>!!!!!!