Saturday, November 30, 2013

ALL the parts of Health is WELLNESS.

Having WELLNESS is the balance of ALL 4 PARTS of HEALTH.  I will define each for a traditional wording, but in reality its all about applying these concepts as they directly effect what you do and how you FEEL each and every day.  If just one part is off balance, the others will suffer too as they are all interwoven together to create how you truly feel.  During the day, week or month we focus on just the physical aspect if we are healthy, as our education system and society in general place more of an emphasis here.  Unfortunately this creates a disconnect of where our attention could be placed.

Here is a simple Health Class 101 Definition of the 4 PARTS OF HEALTH:

1.  Mental Health - 
continued growth and learning to deal with new challenges effectively.  Here is an example of poor mental health:  We know to use the seat belt, but don’t 100% of the time. 

2.  Social Health - ability to interact successfully with people within one’s personal environment.  This includes tolerance for those with different opinions and beliefs.

3.  Emotional Health - ability to control stress and express emotions appropriately and comfortably.  To experience life’s ups and down with grace and enthusiasm.

4.  Physical Health -( Specific Breakdown of Physical Health ) - ability to carry out daily tasks, develop cardio, flexibility, muscular strength & endurance, eat adequate nutrition, personal hygiene, and preventative medical care

 Do what you can, enhance what you are already doing, give a little more focus on an area that requires some work.  Working on you is NOT easy.  Getting support and education to create a healthy lifestyle can be challenging @ first, but small simple enhancements can start that snow ball effect to a healthier you!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sheldan Nidle PAO Webinar: Galactic Humans 101

TOP 5: Maintain., NOT Gain during Holidays.

Wellness Hero’s Top 5:  Ways to maintain, NOT gain this holiday season.

 1. Daily Food Plan -Know your food plan for each day, don’t let circumstance dictate what you have to eat, verses your choices that could be pre-planned.  Going to a holiday gathering is great, but knowing ahead of time your food strategy for putting energy (calories) in your body can improve your control.

 2. Portion Control - Measure out what you plan to eat, use a small plate and do not stand/sit near the food.  Each feeding should have a variety of color & moderation.

3. Emotional Eating - Whether it is pure JOY or anxiety over seeing family with the time of year, be understanding of the way you feel.  Have a coping practice in play that doesn’t involve food. 

4. Mindful Eating
- When you eat, challenge yourself to enjoy each bite.  Count your chews, savor the flavor, start the digestion process off on the right break down.  The idea is to slow down & be conscious of what you are eating.  Eating in front of technology can really take away from a food expereince. 

5. Water, water, water...drink it constantly all day, especially when you first wake up.  Hydrating consistantly creates a balance in many aspects.  Not only does it support digestion, but regulates hunger (as it is possible the body just needs water, but you feel hungry). 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Immediate & Long Term Effects of Healthy Habits.

Benefits of Physical Activity (AKA Exercise)

Immediate Effects of Moving

Increase Blood Flow to all parts of the Body
More Oxygen to muscles and organs
Increase Levels of neurotransmitters in brain
Blood is made primarily of water and nutrients. 
Toxins are removed from the body by the blood & directly increasing the heart rate. 

Long Term Effects of Moving

        *More Energy
        *More quality sleep
        *More Efficient Metabolism
        *Muscle Repair is improved & Joint Function is increase through ROM & Resistance

1.  Increase Cognitive Functioning, that means you could be smarter
2.  Decrease in Body Fat & this directly makes your self image a more positive one!  

Ask Wellness Hero Brian how you can thrive in your day to day life

Start making changes today to work smart and more efficient with your time.

Wellness In the Park LINK

Rochester's Free Fitness, Wellness In the Park (now in the dark, lol :)

New Wellness In the Park (WIP) Training details with updated location & time.

WIP Training LINK

Hope to see you there.  Now that it is dark & cold we must get out to support each other.  Last week it was beautiful under the stars, getting that heart pounding & healing the body for what it wants (heat), more energy! 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Know your #'s about whats inside of you.

A person with high blood pressure is almost 6 times more likely to have a stroke. The combination of uncontrolled high blood pressure and diabetes wreaks havoc on all organ systems. The American diet is making us more susceptible to high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and kidney disease. Diet and exercise are the best ways to control blood pressure. However some individuals may need additional help with with many lifestyle & heredity variables exist.

Knowing your blood pressure is very important to your heart health. Elevated blood pressure, over time, can damage the heart muscle, organs, and arterial walls.

•    Adopt healthy nutritional habits •    Maintain a healthy weight •    Exercise regularly •    Stop smoking
Limit alcohol consumption •    Take your medicine •    Get medical ca
Bloodd pressure checked regularly by your physician, Wellness Coach, or any automated blood pressure cuff found in most pharmacies.

Is the distance around your waist just above your navel. Individuals who have excess body fat, especially if it is around the midsection or belly, are at greater risk for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. It is recommended that men have a waist circumference less than 39 inches and women have a waist circumference less than 34 inches.

BODY Fat %:
Is a numerical representation of weight in relation to your fat vs other tissue (muscles, bones, organs). Generally, BF% will indicate healthy or unhealthy for adult men and women, children regardless of individual BMI. Typically, the ratio is found by Simple electrical immanence test.  Most local gyms provide this service to there members free.

Managing your cholesterol and triglyceride levels are an important component to a healthy cardiovascular system. The American Heart Association recommends the following tips to help keep your cholesterol under control:
•    Schedule regular screenings •    Eat foods low in cholesterol, saturated fat, and free of trans fat •    Maintain a healthy weight •    Be physically active •    Follow your healthcare professional’s advice
Another form of fat made in the body is triglycerides. Calories ingested in a meal and not used immediately by tissues are converted to triglycerides and transported to fat cells to be stored.


FACTOR                                                     GOAL

Total Cholesterol                                              Less than 200 mg/dl
LDL (“Bad”) Cholesterol                                Vary
HDL (“Good”) Cholesterol                             above 50 mg
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio                                    4:1
Triglycerides                                                    <150
Blood Pressure                                                120/80 mm/Hg
Fasting Glucose                                              <100 mg/dl


Saturday, November 23, 2013

ISON ~ METATRON ~ WHAT TO EXPECT Anna Merkaba November 22 2013

Top 5 Ways to be YOU (enhancement 101)!

Wellness Hero's Top 5 ways to just be already know, time to apply these simple ways to bring about changes that are LIFE rewarding.  Be you & be connected to your body and how to use it best for what you require. 

1.  Breathe Deeply (this changes everything from thoughts, to posture, give it a try several times in a row, I dare you to breathe!)

2.  Smile (this is a game changer in EVERY situation.  Just smile to smile, do it with your eyes open or closed, works both ways, try it!)

3.  Listen to your Heart (not only physically to its beating, but to what it is telling you about your true feelings, this takes much practice, but we all feel, so we all can listen too!)

4.  Stand & Sit Straight UP (posture, body alignment can allow energy blocks within our bodies to open up & obtain deeper circulation)

5.  Take time to Meditate (looking inward will change everything, sit quitely and just breathe (and maybe apply #1 here?!) allow your mind to clear and settle, then you will SEE!)

Friday, November 22, 2013


Top 5 Ways to Remember your Dreams.

Time to remember your dreams and make an intention of it...Here is Wellness Hero's top 5 ways to support the remembering of dreams to look further into what is actually taking place.

1.  State an intention before you go off to dreamland.  It could be about remembering them in the AM, ask for people to see or places to expereince.  The possibiliteis are endless as dreams are just a state of consciousness.

2.  Have a journal ready to write them down.  First thing in the AM when you wake up before you get to far going  for other AM routines, try to make some notes or fill in the blanks of that dream log.

3.  Creating an environment for restful, recovering, repairing sleep.  Dreams occur in the deep part of sleep called Rapid Eye Movement (REM) and supporting getting there is just as important as being there (not being woken up), so if it is going to bed earlier, making sure bathroom issues are taken care of or just setting the alarm @ a different time.  All can influence you remembering your dreams so eliminate any distractions when you are sleeping.  

4.  Make a habit of the above 3 for at least a one month effort.  Even if it doesn't happen daily, the statement of an intention out loud is a very powerful move, as well as having the tools to record (pen/paper, e-journal, voice recorder) when it is best for you do to so.  AM doesn't work for everyone, but accept that this is a process.  Even if you didn't dream, don't remember or don't have time, allow your self the patients to stay true for the times you do have to focus on you and your dreams.

5.  Enjoy the new habits you have created.  Look for meanings, feelings, and information about your dreams, they are yours to do what you like with.  Always remember, electricity doesn't work in dreams so if you aren't sure you are dreaming or not just look for the light switch, if you flip it and it turns on then you are awake....

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mindful Eating & Vitamins/Minerals Facts.

What is mindful eating?
Part of successful long term weight management is minimizing deprivation and eating foods that you enjoy on a regular basis. Deprivation or avoidance may work in the short-term, but usually leads to feeling out of control, self-criticism, and eating more.
It is helpful to adopt a more healthy and balanced approach to eating.

Vitamins are a group of organic substances (made by plants or animals), that are essential for normal cell function, growth, and development.
There are 13 essential vitamins, meaning they are needed for the body to function. They are grouped into two categories:
Fat Soluble Vitamins:    A, D, E, & K
•    Small amounts needed to maintain good health
•    Stored in the body’s liver and fatty tissue
•    High doses can be toxic and lead to health problems
Water Soluble Vitamins:
B-complex group & Vitamin C
•    Not stored in the body and must be replaced each day
•    These vitamins are easily destroyed or weakened during food storage and preparation
•    Citrus fruits are a good source of vitamin C
Minerals are substances that come from the earth (soil and water) and are absorbed by plants. Humans absorb minerals from the foods that we eat. These are important for optimum health. There are two kinds of minerals:
•    Includes calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulfur
•    Body requires large amounts
Trace Minerals
•    Includes iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride, and selenium
•    Body requires limited amounts
Vitamins and minerals have many functions that help the body carry out different processes. Vitamins and minerals assist the body in the following ways:
✓ Protects arteries
✓ Produces healthy skin
✓ Boosts your immune system
✓ Balances hormones
✓ Energy production
✓ Proper functioning of your brain and nervous system
✓ Slows down the ageing process ✓ Protects against certain cancers and heart


• •

Vitamin and mineral supplements are considered dietary supplements, not drugs, so they do not have to be tested in order to prove their safety or effectiveness before they are put on the market. They are considered safe until demonstrated
by the Food and Drug Administration to be dangerous.  Gees, play the guinea pig or russian rulette with your health & wellness.  Key is to do your research.
The American Medical Association has stated that it is acceptable for a healthy adult to use a multi- vitamin/mineral supplement.  I say first try to get V & M from a food source.

Go to for a list of recommended daily allowances for other vitamins and minerals.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Workout Detials for WIP Training

Follow the Link to get changes for tonight's Wellness In the Park Training session:

WIP Training NEW Details

Hope you decide to get off the bench and join us for free, be apart of a fitness support system in Rochester,  NY

What is Metabolism anyways?

What is Metabolism anyways?

Your metabolism is made up of several key features.  Here are the 3 stars for the motion picture of your life, where the energy comes from....

Main Player role     - RESTING METABOLIC RATE (RMR)

Your RMR accounts for 60% of your daily energy expenditure.  Most of the calories you burn are for daily functions such as building and repairing tissue and supplying organs with energy to function.

How to improve? See both Main Sub & Rookie Roles as improvements with them directly impact a positive improvement with RMR.

Main Sub role     - PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (PA)

Made up of all activity you perform about the level of lying quietly and resting.  Not just workouts, but how active you are throughout the day.  Accounts for 10-30% of your daily energy expenditure (depending on the INTENSITY & Total Volume of PA).

How to improve?  Diversity is the key with the 5 components of Health-Related Fitness.  See this Link for more details:   PA Equations for Metabolism
The idea is combination movements that require more muscles to perform and which in turn can create higher intensity workouts.  When working with combining more then one component of fitness in an exercise will also yield significant energy expenditures for PA.

Rookie role        -THERMIC EFFECT OF FOOD (TEF)

Related to the process of digestion, breakdown & storage of energy substrates from food.  Can account for almost 10% of your daily energy expenditure

How to improve?  The more frequent a person eats (every 2-3 hours) the more food is driving this role.  The more whole the food the greater the energy required for absorbing, for example seeds & nuts raw (not roasted) or veggies raw demands that vigorous chewing starts digestion and throughout the process more nutrient dense foods will yeild to boost a persons TEF. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

AION PORTAL ACTIVATION 11-23-2013 (+playlist)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

GET OFF THE BENCH - Wellness In the Park Tonight!

Here are the latest details for tonight's training session, please check as I updated it today. 

Wellness In the Park (WIP) Training Link:
Free Outside Fitness Details

Monday, November 4, 2013

Top 5 Foods to AVOID!!!

Focus on what you do is always my motto, don’t sweat what you didn’t do.  Yet, I do sometimes focus on what not to do in order to support my health.  Avoiding specific types of food can yield a positive experience within the body.

Wellness Hero’s Top 5 Foods to Avoid and Why....

  1. Microwavable food - Many reason’s can support this and the biggest is that the microwave itself is a destroyer of actual nutrition, whatever goes in it, well the food comes out with less nutrients automatically.  The idea is that store bought frozen meals/snacks are usually made with the lowest quality ingredients possible.  Sodium levels are usually through the roof and the idea of just focusing on calories or another category of the Nutrition facts can be miss leading as many GMO ingredients are lurking.  Just remember it is likely the lowest quality type of food in the store and is NOT considered health food. Of course their are some that can support health, just such a small percent...

2.  Non-Water Beverages - It’s not complicated, if its not water it likely has little benefit.  A smoothie of locally grown fruit or veggies is acceptable in moderation.  We are a nation of drinking way to many calories.  Fruit is mean to be eaten not juiced.  With all options every where, its best to avoid anything that isn’t 100% H2O. 

3.  Ingredients You Can’t Pronounce

Does ferrous sulfate, thiamine mononitrate or partially hydrogenated soybean oil sound appetizing to you? Follow this rule of thumb: if a food product is made of stuff you need a course in chemistry to comprehend – or —if you can’t pronounce the first 5 ingredients, don’t let it near your cart.

Stay focused on buying whole foods comprised of only 1 ingredient. Instead of snacking on neon-orange cheese curls, slice up some carrots or celery sticks. Invest in an air popper and enjoy fiber-rich popcorn. Make homemade veggie chips: cut up kale, thinly slice beets, sweet potatoes or yams, sprinkle them with herbs and a little olive oil and bake in the oven.

4. Fake Health Foods

Fake health foods are those deceptive foods, billing themselves as “low in fat”, like Cheerios which has GMO ingredients and certain cookies, salad dressings or yogurt brands. Look closely at their labels. To make up for flavor, these items are inevitably high in sugar or salt. Other tricky foods include packaged breads and crackers with labels stating “contains whole grains.” This often translates into considerably less fiber than 100% whole grain products. Mulit-grain is a fake health term as well.

Again, choose real foods as much as possible. If it’s a sweet tooth you need to satisfy, buy tasty dried fruits, such as apricots or mango. A spoon full of honey can work too!

5. Canned Foods High in Sodium

Eighty percent of our sodium intake comes from processed and canned foods. In fact, many canned foods are so chock full of salt, they contain half or more of your daily recommended intake. A diet high in sodium is dangerous since it can lead to high blood pressure and many other heart related problems.

Instead of buying canned soups, try making your own simple versions, like a healthy cream of carrot soup or hearty lentil. If you don’t have the time to cook, purchase canned soups low in sodium.

Food Video by the Wellness Hero:
Food Matters Video

Daily Routine Questions.

This is an interactive post so get ready to participate!  That's right, happy Monday AM, so tell me a little about yours.....

 Here are a few questions to start the discussion on the topic of AM routine...what do you do in the AM for you?  I know we all have adult responsibilities (this isn't the point), but most likely we have constructed specific practices/habits that we do in the AM.  Some we think are good for us and some that we know are not?

1.  What to you do in the AM that you are proud of because it is health enhancing?

2.  What do you do in the AM that counters your image of health?

3.  Do you prepare anything the night before to support your AM routine? What?

4.  Are you happy with what you do in the AM?

5.  If you could get support on something in the AM, what would it be and why?

By taking a few minutes to write down an answer or two could be a momentum force in a lot of ways.  Feel free to post in the discussion your questions or email me directly (, but either way you are contributing to a better you by participation and taking action.  No answer is judge, its simply an interaction to get the ball rolling....

You have the ball, are you playing?  Happy Monday and SMILE :)

Wellness In the Park (WIP) Training Link:
Free Fitness Class

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Galactic Federation of Light The Angels November-02-2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Shifting to a better you, PART II

Living life each day is a gift, but with adult responsibilities, sometimes we get distracted from what truly is important in our life.  I find my family and health are most vital to my experience on EARTH and my smile correlates with how I feel. My feelings are something I have deeply explored and have recognized that I create them differently with one action.   I want to smile, I choose to smile, my smile is supported by daily choices that allow my body to thrive.  Everyone wants happiness and no one wants to suffer, truly.  In the last 2 years I have transformed the way I THINK about health & it has yielded thousands of positive experiences, unlike anything I have ever felt before.  Powerful stuff & I want to share my expertise to teach others to live according to their unique happiness. 

My intention is to guide others with activities, ideas, blogs, presentations, seminars and openness to a way of life that supports anyone thinking differently about who you are and what you do for you to be healthy human.  We can all shift our minds to new experiences to achieve WELLNESS on a whole new paradigm.  How many parents out there want to do more to be healthy, but feel a bit overwhelmed to do so?  Let me support you and be your guide.  I have been developing many health and wellness concepts to be applied into a family centered approach that can allow YOU & those around you to smile :) everyday with your choices!

ASK ME Questions Publicly or Privately, but know others maybe not use to this level of participation or feel they don’t have the time to actually ask.  Be the change you want to be by taking ACTION & Participating in your life in a way you didn’t yesterday.  You have the POWER in choice, just do something new for 5 min. and know those 5 min. were 5 more then the previous 5 days and that is a monumental change because 5 is way bigger then ZERO....

See more on Wellness Hero's YouTube Channel

Link to Videos by the Wellness Hero on more health & wellness topics

Your Wellness Hero has many possibilities to support you, but remember it is always up to you to ask and be the change you want to be.  Carpe Deim & Live Enthusiastically!

Wellness In the Park Info:Detailed Info on WIP Training

TOP 5 Ways to Lose Weight, WITHOUT a Diet.

Wellness Hero’s Top 5 Easy ways to BURN FAT (AKA lose weight).

Our bodies only want to maintain an ideal weight, a balance in body composition (which is 1 of 5 components of health-related Fitness).  Body composition is made up of Bone, Organs, MUSCLE (tissue too) and FAT.  We need it all, an we function optimally when it is in balance.

Here are some of my favorite tips for losing weight without out ever going on a diet. Of course a diet is just what a person consumes over the course of a day, so we are always dieting :)

1. Drink water.

Sounds simple, but let’s be honest: how much water are you currently drinking? If the answer is anything less than clear pee coming out of you, your body is telling you with Yellowish (apple juice) color pee that dehydration has started.  Plus, if you're active, it should be drinking even more than that. So here’s what you need to do: drink lots of water and cut back on things like soda (even diet!), alcohol, and sweetened beverages. You won’t notice a difference, but your body will thank you. How much to drink?  Everyone is different & the answer I have posted previously it worth your time to know, check out that post!  Hydration Basics  & How much to Drink?

2. Load up on vegetables.

You may not be the biggest fan of vegetables, but I promise you can learn to like them. Vegetables fill us up, and they're loaded with fiber, energy, and vitamins. Plus, they're low in calories, meaning you can eat a ton of them without gaining weight. Add vegetables to every meal and you’ll be sure to see a difference.  Raw is the most valuable way to MAX the benefits!

3. Don’t fear the fats.

Fats do not make us fat. In fact, they do quite the opposite. They help us absorb vitamins, give us glowing hair, skin, and nails, and even keep us more satiated, meaning you'll stay fuller longer and be much more satisfied with your meals when you add a little fat. Consider adding things like olive oil, avocado, coconut oil, sunflower seeds, or flax seeds to your next meal. You’ll be surprised at how full you'll feel!

4. Move in a way that you love.

We all know that exercise can contribute to weight loss, but what if you hate it? The key here is to actually move in a way that you enjoy. This way, you'll be more likely to stick to it in the long term. Chances are, you’re not going to want to get up at 5am for a run if you hate running, but if your alarm goes off at 5am for your favorite dance class, I bet you’ll be way more likely to make it there. Remember diversity of exercise or more specifically do things to support each component of fitness:  Muscular Strength & Endurance, Flexibility, & Cardio style movements.

5. Don’t label foods "off limits."

We want what we can’t have, so once you label something off limits or not healthy, it's going to become more appealing. Whenever I used to say I was going to cut bread from my diet, it would be all I could think about for a week until I finally caved and ended up eating an entire loaf because I couldn’t take the torture. Sound familiar?  I LOVE BREAD!

Now that I allow myself bread if I want it, I don’t crave it nearly as much and those intense cravings I once felt have totally disappeared.

So there you have it, 5 simple things you can change about your eating habits today without ever going on a diet. Still struggling with this concept? I want to help you ditch the diets for good so I invite you to contact me for support.  I specialize in POSITIVE BEHAVIOR CHANGE, find out how you can benefit from this simple lifestyle change.