Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Anarchapulco 2020 Offer, 2 Discounted Tix for sale

Monday, November 11, 2019

Humans message to BUY SILVER 11/11 now #SilverTrigger

VIDEO for 11/11 #SilverTrigger Silver buying details:CLICK HERE to see Video

Fellow humans are collectively connecting through the global conscious network, that we are ALL connected to. A unified meditation on 11.11.19 (at EST 10:15am (New York)) is being facilitated to support the liberation of Gaia and individual financial freedom for ALL Global Citizens. The focus is on SILVER and to end the manipulated control of this suppressed form of money. Here are further details about the #SilverTrigger Meditation: Video

The second action being asked for those who have the means, is to purchase PHYSICAL SILVER on 11.11.19 too. One ounce of silver is valued (manipulated) under $17 as of today (11/9/19), meaning a 1/2 ounce is under $9.  Buying silver on Nov. 11th can be either in a store near you or online, yet the synchronicity of this action is to take place specifically on the eleventh at any time of the day in your time zone. Key is to physically hold your silver after transaction is complete, whether you walk out of a coin store or you get it later after being shipped in the mail. Just do not buy silver certificates, No EFT, No Silver Paper Stocks. The silver you purchase on 11.11 is your seed for financial abundance.


11/11 is Veterans Day, of which I am a Veteran….this simply means, SERVICE for the greater good of the people.
11/11 the planet MERCURY will also transit our Star and this cosmic display is visible, while being a RARE event to 0bserve. Do not look directly at the Sun fellow human, use protection!

Basic ThemTUBE curtesy, LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE…..


Value a US Silver Coin:      See Here
US Debt Clock:                  https://www.usdebtclock.org/
Purchase Silver:                 Buy Here OR.  https://sdbullion.com/

Silver Trigger Event on 11.11.19:

Silver Trigger buying guide info 11:11 Synch Global Reset has started

Got Time today to #SilverTrigger on 11.11 synch?!!!

Happens TODAY! Silver Trigger Meditation instructions 11.11

Sunday, November 10, 2019

11:11 Synchroncity & Silver ~ Global Reset, Silver Trigger Action

Do you like how all humans are living right now? Change is a constant and you are change…This video is to remind other humans of their POWER to take action in order to RIPPLE change with both our minds/hearts through direct focused intention from meditation. Yet, also connect to an ancient form of money, SILVER.

Fellow humans are collectively connecting through the global conscious network, that we are ALL connected to. A unified meditation on 11.11.19 (at EST 10:15am (New York)) is being facilitated to support the liberation of Gaia and individual financial freedom for ALL Global Citizens. The focus is on SILVER and to end the manipulated control of this suppressed form of money. Here are further details about the Silver Trigger Meditation: Silver Meditation Video

The second action being asked for those who have the means, is to purchase PHYSICAL SILVER on 11.11.19 too. One ounce of silver is valued (manipulated) under $17 as of today (11/9/19), meaning a 1/2 ounce is under $9.  Buying silver on Nov. 11th can be either in a store near you or online, yet the synchronicity of this action is to take place specifically on the eleventh at any time of the day in your time zone. Key is to physically hold your silver after transaction is complete, whether you walk out of a coin store or you get it later after being shipped in the mail. Just do not buy silver certificates, No EFT, No Silver Paper Stocks. The silver you purchase on 11.11 is your seed for financial abundance.

Check the REAL VALUE of SILVER here: https://www.usdebtclock.org/

11/11 is Veterans Day, of which I am a Veteran….this simply means, SERVICE for the greater good of the people.
11/11 the planet MERCURY will also transit our Star and this cosmic display is visible, while being a RARE event to 0bserve. Do not look directly at the Sun fellow human, use protection!

Basic ThemTUBE curtesy, LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE…..


Value a US Silver Coin:     Have a silver coin you want to check the value on?
US Debt Clock:                  See Silvers Manipulation
Purchase Silver:                 Silver Online Option  OR. Silver Vendor

Silver Trigger Event on 11.11.19:
    Source of Silver Trigger

Guiding the Silver Trigger Meditation.

Want in on the Silver Trigger? Silver Meditation instructions 11.11

Silver Trigger Meditation Instructions ~ 11.11.19

On 11.11.19 Humans from all over the globe are synching up both energetically and physically to create the change we all so wish to experience…a change in the current financial/economic banking system that plagues the surface of this sacred planet. The basic intention is to focus on SILVER as money and its current manipulation in open markets. The value of Silver at this time is significantly undervalued and this message has two parts (SEE PART II below). Both are global events, yet the first is a meditation and the instructions are here:

Global Silver Meditation for ALL Human Citizens of Gaia (5D) Earth (3D)...

Starting right before the cosmic event of Mercury transit across our star in eastern US (10:15 AM EST) on November eleventh twenty nineteen.

This meditation focus can be done from anywhere on the planet at any time, yet check the bottom for your specific time zone to synch up with others on November 11th 2019. Synchronicity is all about timing, hahaha!

Universal energy works on all planes of existence and this guided experience is to cultivate your individuality in SYNCHRONIZATION with ALL other global citizens participating in the silver trigger to initiate action into the silver markets.

Surface population unified meditation for the SILVER TRIGGER Event. 4 simple steps. Take 10-20 minutes to harness your intended focus for this, yet always follow your internal guidance on timing. 

Use your own technique to bring a relaxed state of consciousness to balance the focus of simply being and breathing. For some this can take a few minutes and for others could be  longer in order to create the balance of FEELINGS. Creating the higher view point of living on Gaia and looking down as the POWERFUL human BEING that you are can take time. Allow the body to be as comfortable as possible while focusing your intention on settling in to this NOW moment….

State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of bringing harmony, peace and unity for the planet (Gaia) and its inhabitants, all RACES, especially the human race as one. Yes, intention is everything, so the focus is ultimately SILVER as a trigger for positive economic change, yet start within YOU, in your HEART, with GRATITUDE for the ability to CONNECT this way. From a view point of LOVE for self, then as you feel this energy, expand it outside of your body…you are financial abundance!!!

 Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the center of the cosmic sun, this is the center and source of ALL. All Galactic Central Suns are receiving this light through your guidance with it passing into our Milky Way Galaxy’s central sun. This energy of light moves within, through and around all BEINGS in our galaxy and into our solar system’s star, our sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System. Down into your HEART and into the beating Heart of the Planet that is the Core of our living, breathing MOTHER EARTH (Divine Feminine Energy). NowVisualize another pillar of Light rising from the center core of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy and all that is out there in the cosmic web. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes. Allow your focus to direct, observe and connect what this is like for you individually. Feel you ARE the CONNECTION that holds this to be TRUE for your beliefs.

Now visualize loving energies, healing all people of the planet of their past traumas, bringing peace, harmony, understanding, abundance and unity. Visualize SILVER as the trigger for healing the injustice and inequalities worldwide. See all Lightworkers, Lightwarriors Seekers, Seers and Truthers working in unity for the creation of the new financial systems, locally and globally. See the people of Earth celebrating and joyfully participating in the creation of our new cosmic cycle where everyone can obtain what they need and freely choose to live as they desire. Peace be with you and from my Heart Center to yours, Gratitude of Omni Love Presence for being here right now.

Slowly bring awareness back into the body by wiggling fingers and toes, shift your breath while allowing a few moments of gratitude before opening your eyes…….amazing you are for connecting with others who are taking ACTION to be the PEACE too! Doing this Silver Trigger Meditation part energetically charges with synchronicity to activate our ability to break down old habits of non participation for UNITY.

Check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:
11.11 TIME CHECK in your Zone

The meditation will start right before the moment of Mercury transit across our star in eastern US (10:15 AM EST on 11.11.19)
Part II: Buy physical silver on 11.11.19. This can be done locally where you live, like in a coin shop or done online (where you will receive delivery). Coins, Bullion or Bars of SILVER in any denomination or quantity. Key importance about your purchase is to be synching up with others, so making it happen on Nov. 11th 2019.

Silver can be 90% (Industrial), 92.5% (Sterling) 99.9% (Fine) or 99.99% (Pure)

FYI, older US coins use to be minted with 90% Silver prior to 1964 and constitutional silver is still minted in 2019 in the form of a .999 Fine Silver US Eagle $1 containing one troy ounce of silver (valued today at about $18 a coin)…

Wellness Hero Links for buying physical SILVER

Value a US Silver Coin:    US Coins Values  http://cointrackers.com/

Where to BUY Silver online:   Silver Dealer option OR.  Silver Dealer

Silver Trigger Event on 11.11.19:
     Original source