Monday, November 4, 2013

Daily Routine Questions.

This is an interactive post so get ready to participate!  That's right, happy Monday AM, so tell me a little about yours.....

 Here are a few questions to start the discussion on the topic of AM routine...what do you do in the AM for you?  I know we all have adult responsibilities (this isn't the point), but most likely we have constructed specific practices/habits that we do in the AM.  Some we think are good for us and some that we know are not?

1.  What to you do in the AM that you are proud of because it is health enhancing?

2.  What do you do in the AM that counters your image of health?

3.  Do you prepare anything the night before to support your AM routine? What?

4.  Are you happy with what you do in the AM?

5.  If you could get support on something in the AM, what would it be and why?

By taking a few minutes to write down an answer or two could be a momentum force in a lot of ways.  Feel free to post in the discussion your questions or email me directly (, but either way you are contributing to a better you by participation and taking action.  No answer is judge, its simply an interaction to get the ball rolling....

You have the ball, are you playing?  Happy Monday and SMILE :)

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  1. I find it interesting that 21 people have read this, yet not one has commented. I dare you to release your FEAR of saying something.....

  2. 1. What to you do in the AM that you are proud of because it is health enhancing?
    I eat a spoonful of chia seeds and a full glass of water followed by an ounce of mangosteen!

    2. What do you do in the AM that counters your image of health?
    I need a little more movement in my morning, like yoga or Qi Gong.

    3. Do you prepare anything the night before to support your AM routine? What?
    I don't and I think I should. Maybe have a reading ready to start off meditation...

    4. Are you happy with what you do in the AM?
    Generally, yes, but I know it can be better! I want to establish a routine of all the things that are essential to starting my day off well.

    5. If you could get support on something in the AM, what would it be and why?
    I really want to stretch/Qi Gong and meditate BEFORE checking email/FB/etc. Sometimes the internet sucks me in before I've completed important morning routine items and it doesn't feel right. I love mornings and I know my day is much healthier and happier when I've done these few important things first.

  3. Oh, and it is SUPER important to wake up and immediately smile and be grateful for this beautiful life!

    1. The power of a smile so early could change the outcome of your day! The conscious smile is just as good as the natural one, both do the same thing, awesome that you shared with ALL of us. Here is a link to smiling:

  4. Oops, I answered #2 wrong...what I DO (rather than what I need to do) that counters my image of health is that sometimes I go two or more hours without eating. For me to jumpstart my metabolism it's important that I eat within an hour of waking, otherwise I start to get groggy and have low energy.
