Saturday, November 30, 2013

ALL the parts of Health is WELLNESS.

Having WELLNESS is the balance of ALL 4 PARTS of HEALTH.  I will define each for a traditional wording, but in reality its all about applying these concepts as they directly effect what you do and how you FEEL each and every day.  If just one part is off balance, the others will suffer too as they are all interwoven together to create how you truly feel.  During the day, week or month we focus on just the physical aspect if we are healthy, as our education system and society in general place more of an emphasis here.  Unfortunately this creates a disconnect of where our attention could be placed.

Here is a simple Health Class 101 Definition of the 4 PARTS OF HEALTH:

1.  Mental Health - 
continued growth and learning to deal with new challenges effectively.  Here is an example of poor mental health:  We know to use the seat belt, but don’t 100% of the time. 

2.  Social Health - ability to interact successfully with people within one’s personal environment.  This includes tolerance for those with different opinions and beliefs.

3.  Emotional Health - ability to control stress and express emotions appropriately and comfortably.  To experience life’s ups and down with grace and enthusiasm.

4.  Physical Health -( Specific Breakdown of Physical Health ) - ability to carry out daily tasks, develop cardio, flexibility, muscular strength & endurance, eat adequate nutrition, personal hygiene, and preventative medical care

 Do what you can, enhance what you are already doing, give a little more focus on an area that requires some work.  Working on you is NOT easy.  Getting support and education to create a healthy lifestyle can be challenging @ first, but small simple enhancements can start that snow ball effect to a healthier you!

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