Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Year, but a conitnuation of life....


Tons of Americans at this time of year want to make a change in their life's habits.  Hence a new years Resolution has become hot topic conversations for media, friends, and family. 

The Top 4 New Years Resolution in America are: 
 Lose Weight (how bout not have a crappy diet in the 1st place?)
Workout more (get off the treadmill & educate yourself with knowledge or a trainer to be more effective with your physical activity)
Drink less Alcohol (directly prevents 1 & 2 from happening, yes really)
Quit Smoking (yes, put down the crack pipe that isn’t health either, LOL!!!!)

Resolutions seem bizarre to me, it is something for the weak to discuss, and gives people something ‘else’ to talk about.  In reality, people should make small changes for a positive, healthier lifestyle.  A majority of people I encounter are nieve to what makes them the way they are.  The daily choices of what they do from the time they wake to bed (oh yeah, if you aren’t sleeping 7-10 hours a night, don’t expect to lose weight effectively either).

I just spent $70 at a natural foods store on only a handful of items (most will last a month).  A conversation that was recently engaging had a person debating with me about how expensive all my food is, plus natural & organic stuff is too.......well even more EXPENSIVE are hospitals, Dr visits, prescription meds, HEALTH INS., & time lost at work because of being sick @ home!!!!! 

I didn’t have one Dr. bill or Prescription Med in 2011 & Didn’t miss any work either.  I know what works for me & that is to stay clear of our health care systems because they truly set up to make money, but more importantly be reactive to a problem, not prevent it in the first place. 

My way of life is a FULL PROACTIVE approach to NEVER get sick.   Through a balance of my lifestyle with being physically active, cooking for my family with whole foods using pure ingredients, & was my hands with soap all the time too which is the easiest way to stop the spread of viruses and bacteria entering my body. 

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