Saturday, December 30, 2017

Wireless Warfare Exposed - Declassified Military Doc Proves Smart Phones...

Monday, December 11, 2017

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

9 RULES for BEING Human.

Their is a search for TRUTH of history, existence and why we are living all across the planet at this time. With an inner desire to bring forth some simple guidelines and to make more sense of what LIFE is. It has been very challenging over the years with billions of people living in survival mode every day on the surface of this planet. Like so many across the globe,…Read the 9 Rules here

Monday, October 23, 2017

STOP Stress now, enahnce the digital express of YOU in less than 4 min.!!!

Feeling better takes practice in balancing all the dimensions of wellness. The big five, physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual are interwoven together for connecting ALL aspects of who we are. With engaging the opportunity of right now, no matter when you connect with this great Steemit message via @WellnessHero is ACTIONABLE content READ MORE HERE.......

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Heart rate monitoring for losing fat? How to calculate a Target Heart Rate Zone to Burn Fat off!

The human heart pumps vitamins, minerals & water within, through and around all parts of the body in the form of blood. The movement of this water in and out of the body, like during breathing is how a person actually loses water, just like with sweating too. Another way water will be transferred is from the blood into the muscles, especially from working out. Regardless of the water, it is vital at which the rate of this flow occurs and that the body experiences a full spectrum from very slow to super fast ranges.IMG_3388.JPG
For optimal results, that are based upon a person’s goal or intention of physical activity, the heart can be monitored for a plethora of reasons. Lets keep this basic for BURNING FAT off the body. For example, the goal is to decrease body fat, so monitoring your heart rate will be critical to get fast results. Understanding what specific target heart rate zone to connect with will depend on your personal goal. Learning about the specific beats per min. for a given duration (TIME) will not only yield fast results, but be the most effective tool for gaging benefit from any physical activity.
How can we calculate this? These simple math equations will work perfectly…
First, we must calculate a person’s MAXIMUM HEART RATE, based upon AGE!
Lets now subtract your age from 220 to get your MAX HR:
Example 220 - 40 years young :) = 180 BPM (beats per minute)
This number represents the physiology of pushing blood through the body’s cardio-respitory endurance system at full capacity, like RUNNING for your life via sprinting as fast as you can!
Next, using a person’s MAX HR we can take percentages based up on several variables to create a unique training zone. A Fat Burning zone or Optimal Fitness Zone would be 60% & 80% of Maximum Heart Rate. A person that is new to physical activity might have a range of 50% - 65% to allow their body’s time to adjust to new movement.
Target HR Zone for Fat Burning based upon a 40 year young human.
Example 180 max hr X .6 (60%) = 108
180 max hr X .8 (80%) = 144
So for this example we have a 40 year young (male/female) target heart rate zone for fat burning is 110 bpm - 150 bpm
Now what to do with this range while exercising? Well, play games with it and have fun, shoot your heart rate high towards the top or over it, then allow it to fall. Keep moving, just shift the speed, intensity (hill or stairs) or another variable to adjust for where you want to be with heart rate. Connect to the inner workings and that moving your beats per minute throughout that range (and above it too!) will give you an understanding that you always don’t have to be moving very fast to be getting benefits from a physical activity. A good example is to do a combo of walking & running (some call it intervals) to see how your heart responds to that. Hell, heart rate monitors are water proof, so get in the pool!!

Monday, September 18, 2017

What is wellness & parts of health?

To simply put, wellness happens in a person by balancing the five parts of personal health. This isn’t something that occurs one day and its done. The main focus is balance. Just like when life throws a BROKEN LEG at you (like it did to a friend of mine last week when we were hiking) one day, that will take some time to balance back from! Now that is an extreme physical health example, yet isn’t our emotional and mental health fields of energy being bombarded from both digital exposure and low level frequencies such as Radio waves and Microwaves? That is another blog or ten…so here are the parts/dimensions that support human WELLNESS!

The 5 Parts of Health:

1. Mental Health –  practicing continued growth and learning to deal with new challenges effectively. The key word here is NEW, and with knowing the only constant in life is CHANGE! Being open to NEW ideas, concepts and beliefs from others is the first step in practicing this aspect of wellness. A poor example of mental health would be, “Thinking we know everything!”

2. Social Health –  practicing to interact successfully with people within one’s personal environment.  This is NOT digital (social media stuff), this involves physically showing up to time and space events. This includes tolerance for those with different opinions and beliefs. Sharing in customs, culture and courtesies are a few ways of how a person can practice quality social health.

3.  Emotional Health –  The ability to interpret feelings as they apply to a life situation (any now moment) and behaving in alignment with the core aspect of self. Sharing feelings appropriately and comfortably is vital to practicing emotional health.   Translating how we feel into words and actions is the essence of this aspect of wellness To experience life’s ups and down with grace and enthusiasm while practice gratitude. For gratitude works in all dimensions of emotional health.

4. Physical Health -The ability to carry out daily tasks that maintain and support the development of the 5 components of fitness. cardio-vascular endurance, flexibility, muscular strength & endurance, and a healthy body composition. Also under the realm of physical health is being HYDRATED, sleep, personal hygiene, SELF CARE and practicing routine medical check ups, not to mention Nutrition too! This is the part of health that gets a lot of attention and where most focus on for creating change with the body.

5. Spiritual Health – Having a belief in a greater good and value the practice of purpose for this lifetime. The spirit is the energy that is invisible in the LIGHT spectrum that we see with our human eyes. The etheric plane of existence is where energy becomes physical, a great example of practicing spiritual health is by using the breath. This life force connection with the in/out flow of breathing ‘air’ is the ultimate tool for enhancing personal WELLNESS! The energy in the 02 transfers into our body and we use this life force all day everyday, whether we are conscious or unconcious. Our collective spirit on the energy planes of existence (what oneness is from LOVE) guides us on this journey into balancing wellness.
The most vital connection to be made is that Wellness is when all of these are in BALANCE! Wellness happens when Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Social Health are in optimal unification. Each of these individual parts is connected to the other. All are interwoven into the fabric that makes up daily life on this sacred planet. How are all the parts of health connected and interwoven? They co-exist with both a wave and particle frequency, just as the colors of the rainbow unify as one in the sky or on a wall (projected from a crystal). There is an overlap of color holding each one to the other. Our body as a whole, is a tool for practicing these connections for what they mean to us individually.
Wellness Hero is sharing this for all the wellness heroes out there. All to often in the past, I was asked to isolate a part of wellness for positive behavior change. That is literally like assembling an engine with only one kind of tool, wouldn’t that be crazy and maddening?! That is why I created Wellness Hero brand, to integrate all dimensions of wellness with my life’s work.
So, how are you FEELING today? Please share your wellness answer below with a comment from your heart (4D), gratitude for doing that! Thank you for being here, have blessings on your day, Namaste!!!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Are you harnessing the Solar Eclipse for you?

Guided Meditation for ALL

Eclipse Global Meditation for ALL Human Citizens of Gaia (5D) the higher level of Earth (3D)...
This meditation focus can be done from anywhere on the planet, yet check the bottom for your specific time zone on August 21st 2017 to time it perfectly! Universal energy works on all planes of existence and physicality for the Solar eclipse on August 21st , a Global Event.
1. Use your own technique to bring a relaxed state of consciousness to balance focus of being and breath. Active relaxation with your practice to unify your body, heart, mind/will & spirit. For some this can take a few minutes and for others could be shorter or longer in order to create the balance of FEELINGS from the higher view point of standing on Gaia and looking down as the POWERFUL human BEING that you are and allow the body to be as comfortable as possible.
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of bringing harmony, peace and unity for the planet (Gaia) and its inhabitants, all RACES, especially the human race as one. Yes, intention is everything, so the focus is ultimately world peace, yet start within YOU, in your HEART, with GRATITUDE for the ability to CONNECT this way. From a view point of LOVE for self, then as you feel this energy, expand it outside of your body…
3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun (center of our Milky Way Galaxy), then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System, through the eclipsed Sun and the Moon and then through your body to the center of the Earth/Gaia. The Beating Heart of the Planet that is the Core of our living, breathing MOTHER EARTH (Divine Feminine Energy).
NowVisualize another pillar of Light rising from the center core of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes. Allow your focus to direct, observe and connect what this is like for you individually. Feel you ARE the CONNECTION that holds this to be TRUE for your beliefs.
4. Now visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy, healing all people of the planet of their past traumas, bringing peace, harmony, understanding, abundance and unity. Visualize this soft pink light healing the minds and hearts of all people worldwide. See all Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Truthers working in unity for the creation of the New Earth. See the people of Earth celebrating and joyfully participating in the creation of our new reality where everyone can obtain what they need and freely choose to live as they desire. Peace be with you and from my Heart Center to yours, Gratitude of Omni Love Presence for being here right now.
5. Allow your creativity, imagination, and visions to support details, feelings and experiences during this mediation. This is the POWER you are, to take a few moments to allow the creation of a better way of life. See it happening, create the specifics, notice how you feel about doing this….remember, your BREATH is your balance and ANYTHING that comes up during this meditation that is NOT apart of the experience, simply allow it to be both accepted and released with breathing it out.
dMake this VIRAL and YOU sharing this NOW is how it happens! We need EVERYONE to spread the message about this Global Meditation on 8.21.17 and it starts with you. Less then 6 days to this unique opportunity to remember why you are here, connect with others who are taking ACTION to be the PEACE and activate our ability to break down old habits of non participation for UNITY.
You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:

The meditation will start right before the moment of maximum point of the eclipse and people in the central US will be meditating right through the totality. People in the eastern part of the US will be able to watch the total eclipse after the meditation.
We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Solar eclipse on Monday, August 21th at 11:11 am PDT in Los Angeles. This equals 8:11 pm EET in Cairo, 8:11 pm CEST in Paris, 7:11 pm BST in London, 2:11 pm EDT in New York, 1:11 pm CDT in Chicago, 12:11 pm MDT in Denver and 2:11 am CST on Tuesday, August 22nd in Taipei.

Wellness Hero Links
Chasing Totality (preview) w/ solar panels
Meditation Video:
Guided Eclipse Global Meditation:

Solar Eclipse (guided) Meditation

Links to Solar Eclipse resources.

Have you heard about the Cosmic Event occurring on our planet next week? Click link below to connect to both government and private resources. This is a once in a lifetime event for both DIGITALLY and those in the moon's shadow within America. Where will you be next week?

Eclipse 2017 Information

Solar Eclipse 2017: resources to connect dots on whats happening.

How to use MEDITATION during Solar Eclipse.

Want to be more powerful with your connection to meditation? Many others around the planet will be doing this EXACT meditation at the EXACT same time. This meditation focus can be done from anywhere on the planet, yet check the bottom for your specific time zone on August 21st 2017 to time it perfectly! Universal energy works on all planes of existence and physicality (3D Earth) does NOT limit this connection to unify around the globe (Gaia which is a 5D frequency of view).

Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Solar eclipse on August 21st , a Global Event to create a portal of peaceful energy by through which we will unify our consciousness and enlighten the energy field around the planet at the exact same time!
Time to show up and be present is here and this is one way the meditation can be practiced, as always do what you feel in your HEART (4D Chakra, Green):

Guided MEDITATION for Wellness Heros:

1. Use your own technique to bring a relaxed state of consciousness to balance focus of being and breath. Active relaxation with your practice to unify your body, heart, mind/will & spirit. For some this can take a few minutes and for others could be shorter or longer in order to create the balance of FEELINGS from the higher view point of standing on Gaia and looking down as the POWERFUL human BEING that you are and allow the body to be as comfortable as possible.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of bringing harmony, peace and unity for the planet (Gaia) and its inhabitants, all RACES, especially the human race as one. Yes, intention is everything, so the focus is ultimately world peace, yet start within YOU, in your HEART, with GRATITUDE for the ability to CONNECT this way. From a view point of LOVE for self, then as you feel this energy, expand it outside of your body…
3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun (center of our Milky Way Galaxy), then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System, through the eclipsed Sun and the Moon and then through your body to the center of the Earth/Gaia. The Beating Heart of the Planet that is the Core of our living, breathing MOTHER EARTH (Divine Feminine Energy). 
NowVisualize another pillar of Light rising from the center core of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes. Allow your focus to direct, observe and connect what this is like for you individually. Feel you ARE the CONNECTION that holds this to be TRUE for your beliefs.
4. Now visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy, healing all people of the planet of their past traumas, bringing peace, harmony, understanding, abundance and unity. Visualize this soft pink light healing the minds and hearts of all people worldwide. See all Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Truthers working in unity for the creation of the New Earth. See the people of Earth celebrating and joyfully participating in the creation of our new reality where everyone can obtain what they need and freely choose to live as they desire. Peace be with you and from my Heart Center to yours, Gratitude of Omni Love Presence for being here right now.
5. Allow your creativity, imagination, and visions to support details, feelings and experiences during this mediation. This is the POWER you are, to take a few moments to allow the creation of a better way of life. See it happening, create the specifics, notice how you feel about doing this….remember, your BREATH is your balance and ANYTHING that comes up during this meditation that is NOT apart of the experience, simply allow it to be both accepted and released with breathing it out.

It is your time to step up and take action for an enhance experience on this plane of existence….do you have 15 min. to change the world forever?! It will happen at an accelerated rate with the more that connect to this universal life force that we all are as one.
Please share on your physical network, digital social platforms and within your communities gatherings. Make this VIRAL and YOU sharing this NOW is how it happens! We need EVERYONE to spread the message about this Global Meditation on 8.21.17 and it starts with you. Less then 6 days to this unique opportunity to remember why you are here, connect with others who are taking ACTION to be the PEACE and activate our ability to break down old habits of non participation for UNITY.

You can check the time of the meditation for your Time Zone Check HERE
The meditation will start right before the moment of maximum point of the eclipse and people in the central US will be meditating right through the totality. People in the eastern part of the US will be able to watch the total eclipse after the meditation.
We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Solar eclipse on Monday, August 21th at 11:11 am PDT in Los Angeles. This equals 8:11 pm EET in Cairo, 8:11 pm CEST in Paris, 7:11 pm BST in London, 2:11 pm EDT in New York, 1:11 pm CDT in Chicago, 12:11 pm MDT in Denver and 2:11 am CST on Tuesday, August 22nd in Taipei.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Solar Eclipse 2017: resources to connect dots on whats happening.

Global Eclipse Meditation

Eclipse Global Meditation for ALL Human Citizens of Gaia (5D) ~ Earth (3D)
Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the INTENTION of PEACE to us all by universally synching up the projection of how you view the world if it was consumed by love, unity, compassion and sharing:

Previous Peace Focus RESULTS!!!
Consciousness Positive Impact

This meditation focus can be done from anywhere on the planet, yet check the bottom for your specific time zone on August 21st 2017 to time it perfectly! Universal energy works on all planes of existence and physicality (3D Earth) does NOT limit this connection to unify around the globe (Gaia which is a 5D frequency of view).

Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Solar eclipse on August 21st , a Global Event to create a portal of peaceful energy by through which we will unify our consciousness and enlighten the energy field around the planet at the exact same time!

Time to show up and be present is here and this is one way the meditation can be practiced, as always do what you feel in your HEART (4D Chakra, Green):
Guided MEDITATION for Wellness Heros:

1. Use your own technique to bring a relaxed state of consciousness to balance focus of being and breath. Active relaxation with your practice to unify your body, heart, mind/will & spirit. For some this can take a few minutes and for others could be shorter or longer in order to create the balance of FEELINGS from the higher view point of standing on Gaia and looking down as the POWERFUL human BEING that you are and allow the body to be as comfortable as possible.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of bringing harmony, peace and unity for the planet (Gaia) and its inhabitants, all RACES, especially the human race as one. Yes, intention is everything, so the focus is ultimately world peace, yet start within YOU, in your HEART, with GRATITUDE for the ability to CONNECT this way. From a view point of LOVE for self, then as you feel this energy, expand it outside of your body…
3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun (center of our Milky Way Galaxy), then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System, through the eclipsed Sun and the Moon and then through your body to the center of the Earth/Gaia. The Beating Heart of the Planet that is the Core of our living, breathing MOTHER EARTH (Divine Feminine Energy). 

NowVisualize another pillar of Light rising from the center core of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes. Allow your focus to direct, observe and connect what this is like for you individually. Feel you ARE the CONNECTION that holds this to be TRUE for your beliefs.

4. Now visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy, healing all people of the planet of their past traumas, bringing peace, harmony, understanding, abundance and unity. Visualize this soft pink light healing the minds and hearts of all people worldwide. See all Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Truthers working in unity for the creation of the New Earth. See the people of Earth celebrating and joyfully participating in the creation of our new reality where everyone can obtain what they need and freely choose to live as they desire. Peace be with you and from my Heart Center to yours, Gratitude of Omni Love Presence for being here right now.

5. Allow your creativity, imagination, and visions to support details, feelings and experiences during this mediation. This is the POWER you are, to take a few moments to allow the creation of a better way of life. See it happening, create the specifics, notice how you feel about doing this….remember, your BREATH is your balance and ANYTHING that comes up during this meditation that is NOT apart of the experience, simply allow it to be both accepted and released with breathing it out.

As a Global Ambassador for the HeartMath Institute Link Here, I have been energetically called to connect others to harnessing the power of FOCUS, INTENTION and ALIGNMENT. The ability to create from an individual body is limitless, yet when many people come together (either physically or separately) at the same time, with the same focus it both combines into ONE ENERGY and AMPLIFIES the message. Like say, “world peace”….are you in? Do you have 15 min. to create some sacred space and use your imagination, creativity and vision to cultivate more peace in your life and for others? This can be challenging for some and already on the path for others, yet I have found that focused meditation to be TRUE to the CORE of who I am takes practice and this meditation can be engaged at anytime of your LIFE, YET 8.21.17 IS VERY SPECIAL, UNIQUE TIME TO CO-CREATE.
It is your time to step up and take action for an enhance experience on this plane of existence….do you have 15 min. to change the world forever?! It will happen at an accelerated rate with the more that connect to this universal life force that we all are as one.
Please share on your physical network, digital social platforms and within your communities gatherings. Make this VIRAL and YOU sharing this NOW is how it happens! We need EVERYONE to spread the message about this Global Meditation on 8.21.17 and it starts with you. Less then 6 days to this unique opportunity to remember why you are here, connect with others who are taking ACTION to be the PEACE and activate our ability to break down old habits of non participation for UNITY.
You can check the time of the meditation for your Time Zone Check HERE
The meditation will start right before the moment of maximum point of the eclipse and people in the central US will be meditating right through the totality. People in the eastern part of the US will be able to watch the total eclipse after the meditation.

We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Solar eclipse on Monday, August 21th at 11:11 am PDT in Los Angeles. This equals 8:11 pm EET in Cairo, 8:11 pm CEST in Paris, 7:11 pm BST in London, 2:11 pm EDT in New York, 1:11 pm CDT in Chicago, 12:11 pm MDT in Denver and 2:11 am CST on Tuesday, August 22nd in Taipei.

Solar Eclipse is once in a lifetime cosmic display.

Being an eclipse chaser is something that recently entered my consciousness. It is not in every lifetime that a rare spectacle takes place AND be able to have an opportunity to see it physically. It is a special time during this eclipse season, as the New Moon will be lining up perfectly, meaning the moon will be at one of two special nodes (or positions in relation to the Sun/Earth).

What a blessing for North America on 8.21.17 as this EPIC timing to align with both the energy around this event and the ability to be in the direct path as it crosses 14 states! Yes, this is significant and RARE, as being able to stand in the path of Totality is the best place to 0bserver! Totality is where the "Black Sun" appears from the surface of our planet, as the Moon casts its shadow on Gaia and blocks the daytime sun light. Stars and other Planets will become visible under a clear sky (no clouds)! Sounds, Temperature, and Animals ALL start doing OPPOSITE behaviors because of the darkness!
This shadow is only 60-70 miles across in diameter and is traveling over thousand miles per hour from west (starting in Pacific Ocean and crossing into OR) to east (ending in SC before going out into Atlantic Ocean). In most places the Full Eclipse will only last 2 minutes!
The energy surrounding this cosmic event influenced me more then a year ago to start to focus and create the following:
  1. A unity MEDITATION, to both connect and activate for alignment with these incoming energies. This will take place at a specific time on 8.21.17 and more details about this Global Consciousness event can be found here:
  2. Connecting others to LINKS and RESOURCES to both learn and educate about what is really happening with the Full Totality Solar Eclipse. Sharing cool tools, charts, maps and visualization stuff here: Click Now
  3. Documenting what Wellness Hero is doing, like adding solar panels to my car via sharing Videos/Blogs/Social Media posts (before, during and post Eclipse), like this one! I am traveling from NY to SC using only Solar Power for all personal electronic devices. Preview #SolarSubaru #EclipseObserving
  4. Giving away a Herkimer Diamond that was created 350-400 Million Years Ago and will be apart of a healing crystal grid during the Eclipse Event (New Moon energies). It will be raffled off for FREE to one subscriber on Wellness Hero youtube channel. During the eclipse what is described as a “diamond ring” appears as the Moon almost completely encompasses the Sun, well I am calling it a Herkimer Diamond Ring and donating this GEM to a lucky Follower, check out that video here:
Gratitude for connecting there on the blog/vlog, as always my friends, stay HYDRATED and live ENTHUSIASTICALLY, have blessings on your day, Namaste.
SHARE, LIKE, Say Wonderful Day and smile!!!

Solar Eclipse 2017 Resources, Links and Info.

Gathering cool visualization graphs, maps and interactive tools preparing for my up coming road trip into Totality for the Great American Solar Eclipse has been on going for more than a year now. So here are some resources and links that I feel are helpful for having access to viewing both physically and digitally.
Make a comment below on where you will be on 8.21.17…I am taking the #SolarSubaru on road trip for some Totality awesome #EclipseObserving and #EclipseLearning !!!

The Great American Eclipse 2017 ~ Resources and Links for learning and educating EPIC cosmic event on 8.21.17 from New Moon blocking the Sun. Here is the good stuff:
0. Global Unity Meditation for Eclipse to cultivate World Peace:
1. US Gov’t Official Eclipse: Maps
2. Where, Who, What, Why… can you see the Eclipse from where you are? Details and Specifics
3. Predicting population shifts/transits during Eclipse: Human Migration to Totality
4. NASA Scientific Visualization Tools: Awesome digital tools
5. What time and How much SHADOW? Calculators based on location: Specifics of timing
6. Wellness Hero Links:
    a. Chasing Totality (preview) w/ solar panels #EclipseObserving #SolarSubaru. Click Here
    b. Meditation Instructions:
    c. Wellness Hero Guided Meditation:
    d. Once in a Lifetime Opportunity:Click Here
Gratitude for watching ~ Wellness Hero  Social Media~ Follow Me for Updates:
Twitter: & @WellnessHero_
Instagram: @WellnessHero_                YouTube: Wellness Hero videos
HELP by SUPPORTING Wellness Hero:
BITCOIN Donation, wallet link to copy & paste: 12iLzM8LdURqPWmXWwYCQzRLUCnnEVo1qz
PayPal Donation option: Support Now

What is the Aquarian Fire?

What is the Aquarian Fire?

Eclipse chasing to Totality (preview) journey, #Eclipse0bserving

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Oregon Gathering 2017: Spring Council/Counsel/Circle

Oregon Gathering 2017: Spring Council/Counsel/Circle: Spring council/counsel/circle  (spring ccc) starts June 10. The general area should be known a few days before. Directions will probably com...

Oregon Gathering 2017: Where will the gathering be?

Oregon Gathering 2017: Where will the gathering be?: Usually when someone gets on my email list, this is the first information I send them. So to you out here in blogsphere, here's that...

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Pineal Gland ~ 3rd EYE content

Stop Stress NOW (News for Optimal Wellness)#1

Calming the racing mind, a peace meditation.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Awareness starts by sharing and that is something I was never good at. Others that I shared with either laughed, didn't get it, made fun of me or physically broke the thing I was sharing with them. I have changed and am sharing in paradigm shifting ways.  So now its 2017, and I am sharing this petition to get signatures. Its from the White House, and I am bringing my son with me for support. He is an amazing sharer and such a great road trip companion. The road trip is this journey from Rochester, NY to our Nation's capital; Washington, DC where an organized rally to demonstrate the need for the US Gov't to either explain what they have been investigating or initiate a formal investigation into the allocations of #PEDOGATE. Seriously, I have never done anything like this before and I am off to interview those who organized this grass roots effort to expose a world wide pedofile organization that is rooted in DC...

Here is a link to resources on this subject as I feel this is completely a grassroots effort by the people. This is why I am asking for support & help as I stand up to demonstrate with others for our civic duty to do so when we feel called. I can physically show up to both 0bserver, contribute, interact with love and interview the scene that will take place on March 25th 2017 in Washington DC's Lafayette Park.  Video on Pedogate Rally ~ White House Petition
Donate NOW ~ Support the awareness of the interviews at March 25th Rally/Demonstration here:
PayPal to support, copy & paste one of the links to your browser:
$5 ~ Donate Five dollars
$10 ~ Donate Ten dollars
$20 ~ Donate Twenty dollars
Other ~ Donate Any Amount
Petition the White House ~ WH Link

Pedogate Demonstration ~ Petitioning White House

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Earthquakes predicted, Suspicious 0bserving via Ben Davidson

I am excited to be raising the vibration of #0bservingtheFrontier #Suspicious0bservers space weather conference in a few months! #WellnessHero #SpiritualHealth #OTF2017

Grounding Meditation, Root Chakra, Earth Energy.

Angels, I ask for your help now. I ask to be grounded to Mother Earth. I envision white light filled roots growing out of my heart. I see them growing from my body, down through my chakras and own through my root chakra by my feet. I see them going into the center of Mother Earth.

I see Mother Earth and ask her permission to allow my roots to wrap themselves around her heart.  I envision her giving me her permission.  I then envision the roots being fully wraped and attached to her heart. I then envision my heart and Mother Earth’s heart merging into One loving heart. That heart is grounded and fixed in the center of Mother Earth.  I then ask Mother Earth to merge all her energy grid with my energy grid becoming One. This now happens.

I ask that any energies from the Universe coming into Mother Earth to gently go through my body and flow through my chakras and into the combined heart (mine and Mother Earth’s) in the center of the earth. I then project these energies to go back up to the surface of Mother Earth to be used as Mother Earth sees fit and back up to the Universe where they came from and back down to me again in a circular pattern.

I ask to always be grounded with Mother Earth and I ask that I always physically remain on Mother Earth and not be carried away by any drifting due to the intensities of the incoming energies. I ask to be calm and centered when others around me are having a hard time and I ask for clarity, patience and wisdom during the upcoming times ahead.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

What are AGES? Aquarius, Pisces Zodiac procession Energy NOW!

What is the Age of Aquarius?

The Age of Aquarius is the current astrological age in the procession of the equinox. That is the sun’s position on the March equinox is in the astrological sign Aquarius. This shifts approximately every 2150 years.

What does it mean for you?  What is the Aquarian Fire?IMG_2256

In the Age of Pisces (the last ~2150 years), duality and contrast influenced the collective consciousness. Civilization was plagued by war, famine, and greed. Although we evolved, humanity believed itself to be separate from God and one another. Choices were made on an individual basis based on individual needs (selfish thinking). Because of this perceived separation from God, humanity thought they needed others(s) to interact with God on their behalf (Jesus Christ, angels, etc.). They perceived themselves as not worthy of God’s Love which increased the perception of separation.

In the Age of Aquarius, unity and community rule the collective consciousness. We are making choices based many other factors besides our own personal needs or the needs of our closest loved ones. Teachers are students and students are teachers. We are open to learning from everyone. We also see everyone as an element of God and ourselves. It is everything that has been preached about since the beginning of the previous age, but this time humanity is finally connecting to it properly. Unity, equality, and love rule.

What is the Aquarian Fire?

What is the Aquarian Fire?
The Aquarian Fire is effectively utilizing the Holy Fire in the Age of Aquarius.

It is a highly evolved, natural, and efficient energy modality. It is a mechanism for allowing the body, mind, and soul to heal. It can be used for guidance, as a path to enlightenment, and can be effectively used to enhance any task.
The Aquarian Fire is an excellent way to empower yourself in this new Age of Aquarius. Vibrations are rising and energies are evolving quickly. Elevate your level of understanding in this age of unity, equality, and love to provide assistance to all.Watch Broadcast Video

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Aquarian Fire, Holy Fire & Source Energy.

Come join us for this introduction where five Ambassadors of the Aquarian Fire talk about the energy and the techniques used in this highly evolved modality. Jim Charles, Will Mitchell, Brian Lucchesi, Wendy Wolfe, and Caitey Margavage will discuss the principles we teach in the classes to naturally and effectively connect to and utilize Source energy: the Holy Fire. Come for this gentle, natural, yet deeply healing experience as we will be continuously sending the Aquarian Fire during the entire broadcast. We will also do a 15-minute Aquarian Fire meditation so you can get a personal introduction by the Holy Fire itself.  See Aquarian Fire NOW

What is the Aquarian Fire?
Today, January 17, 6:00 PM EST 2017

Sunday, January 8, 2017

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Feelings change how we view the world.

How is it best to Self Heal? Reiki is a game changer LOVE feeling POWERFUL! #UniversalEnergy #Reiki #WellnessHero

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Reiki, Chakras, Spiritual Health

How often do you TRULY practice SELF CARE via Healthy RELAXATION? I have 3 spots left in my January session for those who want to EMPOWER their LIFE FORCE ENERGY NOW! #WellnessHero #Reiki certification.