Eclipse Global Meditation for ALL Human Citizens of Gaia (5D) ~ Earth (3D)
Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the INTENTION of PEACE to us all by universally synching up the projection of how you view the world if it was consumed by love, unity, compassion and sharing:
Previous Peace Focus RESULTS!!!
Consciousness Positive Impact
This meditation focus can be done from anywhere on the planet, yet check the bottom for your specific time zone on August 21st 2017 to time it perfectly! Universal energy works on all planes of existence and physicality (3D Earth) does NOT limit this connection to unify around the globe (Gaia which is a 5D frequency of view).
Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Solar eclipse on August 21st , a Global Event to create a portal of peaceful energy by through which we will unify our consciousness and enlighten the energy field around the planet at the exact same time!
Time to show up and be present is here and this is one way the meditation can be practiced, as always do what you feel in your HEART (4D Chakra, Green):
Guided MEDITATION for Wellness Heros:
1. Use your own technique to bring a relaxed state of consciousness to balance focus of being and breath. Active relaxation with your practice to unify your body, heart, mind/will & spirit. For some this can take a few minutes and for others could be shorter or longer in order to create the balance of FEELINGS from the higher view point of standing on Gaia and looking down as the POWERFUL human BEING that you are and allow the body to be as comfortable as possible.
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of bringing harmony, peace and unity for the planet (Gaia) and its inhabitants, all RACES, especially the human race as one. Yes, intention is everything, so the focus is ultimately world peace, yet start within YOU, in your HEART, with GRATITUDE for the ability to CONNECT this way. From a view point of LOVE for self, then as you feel this energy, expand it outside of your body…
3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun (center of our Milky Way Galaxy), then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System, through the eclipsed Sun and the Moon and then through your body to the center of the Earth/Gaia. The Beating Heart of the Planet that is the Core of our living, breathing MOTHER EARTH (Divine Feminine Energy).
NowVisualize another pillar of Light rising from the center core of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes. Allow your focus to direct, observe and connect what this is like for you individually. Feel you ARE the CONNECTION that holds this to be TRUE for your beliefs.
4. Now visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy, healing all people of the planet of their past traumas, bringing peace, harmony, understanding, abundance and unity. Visualize this soft pink light healing the minds and hearts of all people worldwide. See all Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Truthers working in unity for the creation of the New Earth. See the people of Earth celebrating and joyfully participating in the creation of our new reality where everyone can obtain what they need and freely choose to live as they desire. Peace be with you and from my Heart Center to yours, Gratitude of Omni Love Presence for being here right now.
5. Allow your creativity, imagination, and visions to support details, feelings and experiences during this mediation. This is the POWER you are, to take a few moments to allow the creation of a better way of life. See it happening, create the specifics, notice how you feel about doing this….remember, your BREATH is your balance and ANYTHING that comes up during this meditation that is NOT apart of the experience, simply allow it to be both accepted and released with breathing it out.
As a Global Ambassador for the HeartMath Institute Link Here, I have been energetically called to connect others to harnessing the power of FOCUS, INTENTION and ALIGNMENT. The ability to create from an individual body is limitless, yet when many people come together (either physically or separately) at the same time, with the same focus it both combines into ONE ENERGY and AMPLIFIES the message. Like say, “world peace”….are you in? Do you have 15 min. to create some sacred space and use your imagination, creativity and vision to cultivate more peace in your life and for others? This can be challenging for some and already on the path for others, yet I have found that focused meditation to be TRUE to the CORE of who I am takes practice and this meditation can be engaged at anytime of your LIFE, YET 8.21.17 IS VERY SPECIAL, UNIQUE TIME TO CO-CREATE.
It is your time to step up and take action for an enhance experience on this plane of existence….do you have 15 min. to change the world forever?! It will happen at an accelerated rate with the more that connect to this universal life force that we all are as one.
Please share on your physical network, digital social platforms and within your communities gatherings. Make this VIRAL and YOU sharing this NOW is how it happens! We need EVERYONE to spread the message about this Global Meditation on 8.21.17 and it starts with you. Less then 6 days to this unique opportunity to remember why you are here, connect with others who are taking ACTION to be the PEACE and activate our ability to break down old habits of non participation for UNITY.
You can check the time of the meditation for your Time Zone Check HERE
The meditation will start right before the moment of maximum point of the eclipse and people in the central US will be meditating right through the totality. People in the eastern part of the US will be able to watch the total eclipse after the meditation.
We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Solar eclipse on Monday, August 21th at 11:11 am PDT in Los Angeles. This equals 8:11 pm EET in Cairo, 8:11 pm CEST in Paris, 7:11 pm BST in London, 2:11 pm EDT in New York, 1:11 pm CDT in Chicago, 12:11 pm MDT in Denver and 2:11 am CST on Tuesday, August 22nd in Taipei.
Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the INTENTION of PEACE to us all by universally synching up the projection of how you view the world if it was consumed by love, unity, compassion and sharing:
Previous Peace Focus RESULTS!!!
Consciousness Positive Impact
This meditation focus can be done from anywhere on the planet, yet check the bottom for your specific time zone on August 21st 2017 to time it perfectly! Universal energy works on all planes of existence and physicality (3D Earth) does NOT limit this connection to unify around the globe (Gaia which is a 5D frequency of view).
Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Solar eclipse on August 21st , a Global Event to create a portal of peaceful energy by through which we will unify our consciousness and enlighten the energy field around the planet at the exact same time!
Time to show up and be present is here and this is one way the meditation can be practiced, as always do what you feel in your HEART (4D Chakra, Green):
Guided MEDITATION for Wellness Heros:
1. Use your own technique to bring a relaxed state of consciousness to balance focus of being and breath. Active relaxation with your practice to unify your body, heart, mind/will & spirit. For some this can take a few minutes and for others could be shorter or longer in order to create the balance of FEELINGS from the higher view point of standing on Gaia and looking down as the POWERFUL human BEING that you are and allow the body to be as comfortable as possible.
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of bringing harmony, peace and unity for the planet (Gaia) and its inhabitants, all RACES, especially the human race as one. Yes, intention is everything, so the focus is ultimately world peace, yet start within YOU, in your HEART, with GRATITUDE for the ability to CONNECT this way. From a view point of LOVE for self, then as you feel this energy, expand it outside of your body…
3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun (center of our Milky Way Galaxy), then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System, through the eclipsed Sun and the Moon and then through your body to the center of the Earth/Gaia. The Beating Heart of the Planet that is the Core of our living, breathing MOTHER EARTH (Divine Feminine Energy).
NowVisualize another pillar of Light rising from the center core of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes. Allow your focus to direct, observe and connect what this is like for you individually. Feel you ARE the CONNECTION that holds this to be TRUE for your beliefs.
4. Now visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy, healing all people of the planet of their past traumas, bringing peace, harmony, understanding, abundance and unity. Visualize this soft pink light healing the minds and hearts of all people worldwide. See all Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Truthers working in unity for the creation of the New Earth. See the people of Earth celebrating and joyfully participating in the creation of our new reality where everyone can obtain what they need and freely choose to live as they desire. Peace be with you and from my Heart Center to yours, Gratitude of Omni Love Presence for being here right now.
5. Allow your creativity, imagination, and visions to support details, feelings and experiences during this mediation. This is the POWER you are, to take a few moments to allow the creation of a better way of life. See it happening, create the specifics, notice how you feel about doing this….remember, your BREATH is your balance and ANYTHING that comes up during this meditation that is NOT apart of the experience, simply allow it to be both accepted and released with breathing it out.
As a Global Ambassador for the HeartMath Institute Link Here, I have been energetically called to connect others to harnessing the power of FOCUS, INTENTION and ALIGNMENT. The ability to create from an individual body is limitless, yet when many people come together (either physically or separately) at the same time, with the same focus it both combines into ONE ENERGY and AMPLIFIES the message. Like say, “world peace”….are you in? Do you have 15 min. to create some sacred space and use your imagination, creativity and vision to cultivate more peace in your life and for others? This can be challenging for some and already on the path for others, yet I have found that focused meditation to be TRUE to the CORE of who I am takes practice and this meditation can be engaged at anytime of your LIFE, YET 8.21.17 IS VERY SPECIAL, UNIQUE TIME TO CO-CREATE.
It is your time to step up and take action for an enhance experience on this plane of existence….do you have 15 min. to change the world forever?! It will happen at an accelerated rate with the more that connect to this universal life force that we all are as one.
Please share on your physical network, digital social platforms and within your communities gatherings. Make this VIRAL and YOU sharing this NOW is how it happens! We need EVERYONE to spread the message about this Global Meditation on 8.21.17 and it starts with you. Less then 6 days to this unique opportunity to remember why you are here, connect with others who are taking ACTION to be the PEACE and activate our ability to break down old habits of non participation for UNITY.
You can check the time of the meditation for your Time Zone Check HERE
The meditation will start right before the moment of maximum point of the eclipse and people in the central US will be meditating right through the totality. People in the eastern part of the US will be able to watch the total eclipse after the meditation.
We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Solar eclipse on Monday, August 21th at 11:11 am PDT in Los Angeles. This equals 8:11 pm EET in Cairo, 8:11 pm CEST in Paris, 7:11 pm BST in London, 2:11 pm EDT in New York, 1:11 pm CDT in Chicago, 12:11 pm MDT in Denver and 2:11 am CST on Tuesday, August 22nd in Taipei.
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