Monday, November 7, 2011

That helps my HEART feel better...

What you NEED to know about your Heart... and getting a Target Heart Rate Zone                  11.7.11

Fat burning Zone, Training Zone, Aerobic Zone, well they are all the same and make up a person’s specific Target Heart Rate Zone. I should also mention it is the most effective way to train the body during aerobic physical activity.  Your heart matters and should be monitored to maximize your workout so you know when to kick in the intensity and when to pull back & allow your beats per minute to slow down (yeah, its ok to walk & be training effectively).

How can you calculate yours?  Its a couple simple math equations......

 Subtract your age from 220 to get your Maximum Heart Rate:
          Example             220 - 34 = 186 (beats per minute)

Take your Max HR and multiply by both 60% & 80%, this gives you your Target HR Zone for training.
                        Example            186 X .6 = 112
                                                  186 X .8 = 149

3. Target Heart Rate Training Zone Range is for a 34 year old   is 115-150 bpm

Its all about the numbers here, keep that in mind when training for anything (just maintaing a healthy life, running a 5K, or when trying to lose weight).  I train my clients to be smarter and move more effectively.  The first lesson is to use a heart rate monitor for training, especially for burning body fat because it provides immediate feedback for results driven training.

A simple HR Monitor (I recommend Polar Brand) can be purchased for under $35 & can be used in a pool too! 

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