Monday, June 23, 2014

What is healing & how to being, so simple it is.

I am healing, meaning to me I am creating new habits (full/new moon ceremonies, season change celebrations, writing more, listening more, FEELING more), wiring my brain to new ways of thinking (paradigm), enhancing my already healthy choices & most of ALL SHARING what I have learned to manifest through powerful intentions.
I have always kept to myself to be as private as I can about what I know & can do. I am a healer & have known this for many years. In 2014 (literally on Jan. 1) I actively engaged my true calling of this life’s purpose & that is to share what I know. That is why I am writing this right now, to share not only what I am doing. More importantly to break it down into simple life style actions that can be applied by anyone. Healing 101 is what I do as my new title as the Wellness Hero. I have to relearn everything from my first 36 years of this life and it has been the most challenging, while rewarding accomplishment I have ever made and I won’t be paid for my life’s work. The alignment with the simple idea of creating thoughts has changed everything in my life, for the better! I am still healing as healing to me is practicing daily habits that are created from feelings of joy, bliss & love.
Follow, share, read experience, promote, like everything you do!  Here is what I am doing in less then 3 days, yep solar panels are part of my healing as I drive from NY to UT & create love with peace along the way.  Can you help support this Journey of Love by sharing, posting, tweeting or what ever way you communicate to your network of loving beings?  Its easy & I would honor you if you did, nameste.

Qi Gong for more energy, 2 basic moves for everyone.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Caution Free Water Running!

Free water will fall from the sky, dance or collect?! Both silly!!!

Collecting rainwater has been a habit of mine since '09 & has progressed nicely into '14.  I am happy to share such basic knowledge of this SACRED HUMAN TRADITION.  The most precious resource on this planet & we use it for everything, so to capture a little to use later, especially in my veggie garden is something I want to share!  Love for water, earth & everything green for that is the color of our heart charkra!  Breathe it in & Caution Water Running

Share, Support & Shine your LIGHT!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Last Full Moon of the Vernal Equinox, powerful stuff!

1st Ceremony is tonight for our FULL MOON Celebration! Email has went out to those involved. What great supporters this project has, beyond grateful and one way for me to give back is through empowerment of who you are. Channeling positive intentions through high energy points on Earth (Gaia) like the full moon can create amazing opportunities in your life. This Journey of LOVE is about my healing and sharing that process with y’all, not to shabby to be harnessing solar power for spreading that message of love & peace. If you read this please post a comment, anything you are feeling. Share this message as it will be growing stronger each day, so much more is happening behind the veil of love. Be in the know, be in the now.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Creating from your heart center, self work goes deep.

Love it is the most powerful feeling we can create as humans.  From love all the amazing feelings & emotions guide us from our heart chakra with a flow of green to vibrate as only it could.  Amazing to develop a stronger connection to the "higher self" for feeling the pure love that exists all around us.  We humans are created from this love and to be reminded is always a grateful moment. 


Monday, June 9, 2014

Expand your limitations by letting go.

Creating from "the higher self" is a very rewarding experience.  Allowing the moments to tune in to the mighty frequencies of higher realms creates the opportunity for many possibilities within our existence. 
I have been creating from my heart center and here is what I have come up with: 

Join the Healing Journey of LOVE HERE

A journey of healing using ancient ceremonies, unconditional love and creation of intent to expand consciousness through rituals of life.  All to often a day can pass that was beautiful with little intention being placed on the awareness and creation of that beauty.  Sharing what I am creating is LOVE, so I am on a summer journey of love, peace, unity & oneness with those around me.  Hop on & join this healing journey for it will be a life enhancement for ALL on board!