Saturday, December 31, 2016

Earthquake Watch, Meteor, Major Storm | S0 News Dec.31.2016

Friday, December 23, 2016

Grounding & Uplifting Energy Movements #1

#WinterSolstice gives us opportunity during these 3 days of darkness to #RaiseourVibration together! Feel better now w/ #WellnessHero #TeamLumann as we ground our energies for feeling balanced and in the flow of #LifeForce breathing!

Grounding & Uplifting Energy Movements #1

Monday, October 3, 2016

New moon Crystal Clearing

Sharing my life's work for educating others about personal #SpiritualHealth has roots in #Reiki.  Reiki basicaly is an ancient way to RELAX for an enhancement of EASE, BALANCE, HARMONY & FLOW within, through and around the physical body. Want to learn more about this Life Force Energy, connect with me on this NEW youtube series #ReikiNOW !

This is our Future [Official Preview]

The Secret From U.S Propaganda Released

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Not a popular video, what was this father thinking???

Here are Links to connected videos covering Spring/Summer 2016:

1. Full Rainbow Gathering Experience:

2. Marching to Peace OM on 4th of July from Kiddie Village to Main Meadow at 2016 Vermont Rainbow Gathering:

3. My lil man (Scorpio) & I (Stag) connected with right after the gathering in ADK:

4. Building a raised bed box garden:

5. Father's Day Weekend/Summer Solstice LNT Camping:

6. Baseball season as Head Coach for his Pittsford Little League team:

7. Ultimate Frisbee:

8. Fishing Derby:

Monday, June 20, 2016

Father Son Bond

Coach Wellness Hero w/ Pittsford Little Leaguers how learning the awesom...

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Universal Life Force Energy.

Exciting times, #WellnessHero will be a featured vendor at #ROC regional health #RRH every Wed for #wellnesswednesday market place! #Reiki #Crystals #SoundHealing #Qigong are all on display to enhance human energy, support healing and overall feeling better!!! #gratitude for being able to share my services !  

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Reiki Holy Fire, Chakra balancing, more Life Force energy NOW!

April special for Healing services via #WellnessHero #ROC, buy one session get one free, good for both remote/local styles. #reikiholyfire #crystalhealing & #soundhealing #chakrabalancing for immediately #Relaxation & feeling more LIFE FORCE! for session rates & packages! Book by 4/30 for free offer!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Repeat after me, "I am the LIGHT!"

How many times can a person say the same things over & over inside the head before a connection is made? What is there to connect to? The stillness of connecting to #Soul energy reveals inner TRUTH. #WellnessHero shares exactly how to do this, very simple, yet very Unfamiliar to many to maintain the energy of this connection. I am here to support others #SpiritualHeal, remember when you ask, you give yourself permission to receive. #Nameste & live enthusiastically! 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Premier Of VAXXED In NYC and Full Review

Soul Identity required in 5D

Remember #SOUL (D4-6)? It's guiding us to our own PURPOSE daily. 3D (Matrix) is the illusion and will NOT show you the awesomeness that you are! Divine beings LIKE, Share, & Comment! Asking for help, gives permission for your body to receive it! #Nameste #WellnessHero #WellnessTruthFinally 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Anonymous - VOTE ANONYMOUS 2016

In 2006 I learned the truth about MONEY and how politics worked only to support the 1%.  THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS & FREEDOM go hand in hand and this SYSTEM that is now in play is destroying our constitutional right.  Now, 2016, a decade later, here is a well collaborated video, how does everyone feel about this?  Imagine if your unaware & see politics as red & blue or are totally out of the loop on the federal reserve, well, then none of this would seem odd to that paradigm... that is so what THE MAN WANTS YOU TO BELIEVE AND UPHOLD by what your say, do & think. Red & blue politics hey?..... TRILLIONS OF GALAXIES that exists, we here on earth are the only race that PAYS TO LIVE for basic needs of shelter, food & energy.  More then enough housing & food is available to ALL, yet more then 34% is wasted everyday? How is it that we have to actually pay for something that is given for FREE to all the universe?  I am NOT sure I can allow this corruption to stand as a Veteran, Son, Father, Brother & Citizen of the Universe, not of CORPORATE USA. I am change.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Reiki Holy Fire.

Beyond proud to ignite my 1st #ReikiMaster #HolyFire #reikiholyfire #ReikiART class & as my master says "the universe just got more AWESOME!!! #Namaste #WellnessHero 

Friday, January 15, 2016

Journey to Freedom, Observing the Frontier, Raise the Vibration, 2016

#JourneytoFreedom #ObservingtheFrontier #OTF #WellnessHero LOVE!

I am excited to be taking Wellness Hero brand on the road to Observing the Frontier driving over 4K miles all over the US!!! An amazing adventure of a road trip from NY to AZ will officially launch on the trail January 24th 2016 from Rochester, NY.  I look forward to sharing my energy signature each day as I create an abundance of AWESOMENESS.  Messages of love, connection, HUGS, Qi Gong, sharing Reiki and ultimately RAISING THE VIBRATION within, through and around where I am.

Follow the perspective of Wellness Hero as we all co-create each day!  This is my view and this is how I am engaging the energy of opportunity!  I am trending it to be #JourneytoFreedom so if you are feeling the LOVE, tag that to what you are engaging too!  Together we can create a force of what our own unique FREEDOM is!  I am the Wellness Hero, my name is Brian and I am honored w/ GRATITUDE to share my journey of shining my RAINBOW bridge of CHAKRA LIGHT!!!  NAMASTE y’all :)

Instagram: @WellnessHero_
Twitter:      @Wellness_Hero
Youtube:    Wellness Hero Channel

#JourneytoFreedom #WellnessHeroReiki #WellnessHeroQigong #WellnessHero #BrianLucchesi #ObservingtheFrontier #OTF #Gratitude #Freedom #RainbowBridge #Love #Joy #Happiness #Oneness

Grass to Garden Documentary: Tree Fort Healing Gardens w/ Wellness Hero

Monday, January 11, 2016

Recreating Balance: Abundance Deprogramming

Recreating Balance: Abundance Deprogramming: Lakshmi, Goddess archetype of Abundance. Art by Ananda Vdovic Abundance is not only physical. Everything in creation first appears...